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Unlocking Potential through Education

Hear from our
parents & students

During our English Home-based Learning, Mdm Ameenal used Classkick to upload questions for us to answer. We loved this way of lessons as we immediately got feedback on our answers, allowing us to learn new vocabulary quickly. We are also thankful for Ms Sufiana who patiently taught us simple tricks to solve Math problems. We enjoyed our STEP lessons and look forward to continuing them when we enter secondary school in 2025.

Jeevitha & Jeevika, STEP Students

The overall structure of the programme is clear and effective, ensuring comprehensive coverage of all topics. The well-structured resources are particularly beneficial, with the first week of each topic focusing on addressing any gaps in fundamentals and the second week dedicated to further strengthening conceptual understanding.

Parent of LEAP Participant

I enjoy my STEP classes because my teacher, Ms Patricia makes lessons fun by using Kahoot and Blooket. I get to challenge my friends through these games. My Centre Principal, Mr Siva, is very kind and caring too. I feel happy attending the STEP programme and hope Ms Patricia can continue teaching us next year.

Aaron Johnathan Jerald, STEP Student

A key lesson I learned was the importance of teamwork. Moreover, collaborating with others in games like Kinball, Archery Tag, and Ultimate Frisbee significantly helped to improve my communication skills, particularly because these activities required team effort.

Participant of Student Experience Programme

Empowering Each
Child’s Aspirations

Along with academic support, every child in SINDA’s education programmes has access to a range of added enrichment to grow their aspirations!

Maximising Educational Opportunities for Every Student

SINDA unlocks the potential and talent within every student, with the belief that education is the key to a brighter future. Our academic programmes cater to diverse learning needs, equipping students with the tools and skills to excel in their studies. Along with the academics, SINDA empowers students of all ages to discover their strengths, grow their aspirations, and thrive in life.

Support at Every level
of the Way


Primary &


Something for Everyone in the Family!

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Support at Every Step!

Empowering Children!

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Immerse your child in SINDA's enrichment programmes, designed to enhance their curiosity, build character and fuel their motivation

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Cultivate creativity and leadership in youths through tailored enrichment, mentorship and leadership programmes aimed at unlocking their fullest potential

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Equip parents with practical  techniques to build stronger families and actively engage in their children's lives

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Create cherished family moments that strengthen bonds, foster understanding and nurture a supportive environment for everyone


Inspiring secondary school students to embrace new learning experiences and

build confidence through innovative activities

Student Experience Programme


Equal Opportunity Fund

Fuelling eligible students' passion in the arts, sports or personal development programmes with a $1,000 annual grant


Creating personal growth opportunities through motivational talks and informative discussions on digital literacy, personal branding and mental wellness




Providing timely intervention to support students in need and their families, our Counsellors help students achieve their full potential and promote mental and emotional wellness

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Youth Enable

Youth Enable (YE) is a school-based motivational programme specially tailored for Indian secondary school students aged 13 to 17. It aims to enhance students' life and soft skills, empowering them to succeed academically and improve their social and emotional intelligence. The wide range of interactive activities focus on mental wellness and digital literacy as well, and include school talks, and workshops.

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SINDA Tutorials for Enhanced Performance, or STEP,  is a holistic after-school programme that provides affordable tuition for primary, secondary and A-level students. Through strengthening students’ understanding of concepts and improving their confidence in school, the programme enables them to perform better in their core subjects.

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The Guide programme offers academic support to primary and secondary students at accessible venues islandwide. By providing tuition in core subjects and homework support, the programme aims to strengthen students' understanding of key concepts and address any learning gaps.

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The Landmark Exams Achievement Programme, or LEAP, is an intensive revision programme for students to help prepare for the PSLE, N-Level, and O-Level examinations. This intensive programme focuses on solidifying core mathematical concepts and developing essential problem-solving skills.

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The Teach programme is a school-based tuition programme aimed at improving the academic performance of primary and secondary school students. The programme seeks to address learning gaps and prepare students for daily lessons in core subjects.

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